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篇名 姓名筆劃數吉凶與運勢
卷期 47:3
並列篇名 Luck of Chinese Name Strokes and Fate
作者 陶宏麟
頁次 455-502
關鍵字 姓名筆劃術數自我實踐敎育快樂chinese name strokeoccultself-fulfillingeducationhappinessEconLitTSSCI
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.6277/TER.201909_47(3).0004




Using the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) 2014, this study finds that more and more young Taiwanese believe in the occult nature of the number of strokes in Chinese characters. Education does not reduce this belief. Unless individual's educational attainment is higher than or equal to a college degree, education actually encourages the belief. Using happiness, health status, marital status, educational attainment, and income to represent fate, one's fate is not associated with the number of strokes in one's Chinese name. The former three types of fate are not correlated with the number of Chinese name strokes. Educational attainment is positively associated with the degree of luck in the number of Chinese name strokes. This relation disappears, however when the manipulation of Chinese name strokes and parents' investment in children are controlled, indicating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Income is correlated with lucky number of strokes only when education is dropped, suggesting that the number of strokes is correlated with income through education.
