
課程與教學 TSSCI

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篇名 一所大學的教師文化:對學習評量的看法與做法
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 Teachers’Culture of a University: Perspectives and Practice on Learning Assessment
作者 謝金枝
頁次 001-034
關鍵字 大學教師文化教師文化高等教育學習評量university teachers’ culturehigher educationteachers’ culturelearning assessmentTSSCI
出刊日期 202001
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202001_23(1).0001




This study interviewed 22 teachers and administrative leaders of a university outside Taiwan that is undergoing a university transformation process. Based on the interview data, the characteristics and the influencing factors of teachers’ culture were analyzed by employing qualitative and quantitative methods. This study found that ‘diversity’, ‘professional discipline orientation’, ‘integration of knowledge and action’, ‘implicit conflict’, ‘individualism’, ‘adjustment and pragmatism’ and ‘task-type interaction’ were the main characteristics of the teacher’s culture. Among them, ‘individualism’ played the core role. The study also found that ‘the academic freedom and the international atmosphere of university rankings’, ‘school traditions, goals, policies, policy implementers, environment and colleagues’, ‘participation in professional accredit body for certification’, ‘teachers' learning experience, teaching experience, disciplines, background and professional development’ were factors that influence teachers’ culture. The results suggested that administrators of the universities under transformation should be aware of the ‘individualism’ characteristic of teachers and take actions to create more opportunities for interaction and cooperation to promote changes in teachers’ behaviors and values to construct teachers’ culture of “integration of knowledge and practice” and which was consistent with the vision and goals of university transformation.
