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篇名 提升射頻腫瘤燒灼術病人術前準備完整率
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Improving the Preoperative Preparation of Patient Undergoing Radiofrequency Tumor Ablation
作者 陳怡燐陳翊珺吳怡蓁陳育臨
頁次 001-012
關鍵字 射頻腫瘤燒灼術前準備radiofrequency ablationpreoperative preparationTSCI
出刊日期 202006




This project is intended to improve the preoperative preparation of radiofrequency tumor ablation therapy (RFA), the preoperative preparation rate from January to March of 2017 was only 52.3%, incomplete preparation will not only delay the patient examination, but also negatively affects the quality of medical service. The causes of low preparedness were identified as: lack of health education and guidance tools; lack of RFA check list and evaluation mechanism; lack of standard operating protocols for RFA, and insufficient training. Improvement strategies include: devise and design health education brochures for RFA preoperative preparation, devise and design a RFA tool pictorial, devise a preoperative preparation remind form and audit system, design an SOP for RFA, and organize on the job education training. The preoperative preparation completeness rate has increased to 100% from November 1stto December 31thof 2017, the satisfaction rate of liver cancer patients also increased from 87.47% to 97.33%.
