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篇名 遊戲自我效能、遊戲興趣、認知負荷與地理桌遊的遊玩自信心提升之相關研究
卷期 65:3
並列篇名 The Relationship Among Gameplay Self-Efficacy, Gameplay Interest, Cognitive Load, and Self-Confidence Enhancement in Geography Board Games
作者 洪榮昭王志美葉貞妮吳鳳姝
頁次 225-250
關鍵字 自信心提升地理桌遊遊戲興趣認知負荷self-confidence enhancementgeography board gamegameplay interestcognitive loadTSSCI
出刊日期 202009
DOI 10.6209/JORIES.202009_65(3).0008




This study explored the integration of geography board games into a world geography curriculum. Through this game, students’ gameplay self-efficacy, gameplay interest, cognitive load, and self-confidence were evaluated. This study collected 149 valid data to test the reliability and validity, and VirtualPLS statistical software was employed. The study results demonstrated that in the context of geography board games, gameplay self-efficacy were positively correlated with gameplay interest and negatively correlated with cognitive load. Additionally, gameplay interest in geography board games was found to effectively improve self-confidence. The study results indicate that well-designed learning content enables learners’ knowledge gains and gives them the chance to review the content during the process of playing.
