
遠景基金會季刊 TSSCI

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篇名 以批判性地緣政治理論解讀電影《我和我的祖國》
卷期 21:3
並列篇名 The Geopolitical Imagination of “Me and My Motherland”: A Critical Geopolitics Perspective
作者 陳華凱李亞明
頁次 111-148
關鍵字 批判性地緣政治通俗地緣政治地緣政治想像論述故事情節Critical GeopoliticsPopular GeopoliticsGeopolitical ImaginationGeopolitical DiscourseGeopolitical StorylineTSSCI
出刊日期 202007




This article uses the theory of “critical geopolitics” or “postmodern geopolitics” to analyze the official movies of “Me and My Motherland,” which was released on China’s National Day. The purpose is to explore how the film constitutes a geopolitical storyline, and how it forms a cognitive map of Mainland China in the popular imagination and forms a specific geopolitical imagining, which further demonstrates a national identity. Without anyone as the film’s main character, the study found that the film’s storyline is closer to the popular imagination and national identity. Furthermore, it tallies with the geopolitical storyline of Xi Jinping’s “Chinese Dream”.
