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篇名 一位格林-巴瑞症候群個案反覆血漿置換術之重症照護經驗
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 Intensive Care Nursing Experience of a Guillain-Barré Syndrome Patient with Repeated Plasma Exchange
作者 吳珮菁鄭婉如馬瑞菊
頁次 068-077
關鍵字 格林-巴瑞症候群血漿置換術無望感Guillain-BarrePlasma exchangeHopelessness
出刊日期 202104




Guillain-Barre syndrome patients often experience physical, psychological, and social stress. This paper reports the experience of one female patient who was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome. She underwent plasma exchange therapy, was admitted to the intensive care unit, and experienced many physical and mental shocks. The period of care for this patient was from May 1 to May 15, 2019. Roy’s Adaptation Model of Nursing was used as an evaluation framework. Subjective data were collected through methods such as physical evaluation and observation, and three main health issues were identified: impaired mobility, hopelessness, and dysregulated family coping capacity. During the care period, we utilized inter-disciplinary team resources, designed a bedside rehabilitation plan with the aid of the rehabilitation therapist, and encouraged the family to participate in the rehabilitation process. Progressive guidance was used to improve physical mobility and allow the patient to understand the importance of rehabilitation. Furthermore, accurate treatment information was actively provided, and the patient was provided with opportunities to release negative emotions. This was supplemented with life review to assist her in redefining her meaning of life and face plasma exchange therapy with a positive attitude for a newfound hope in life. We arranged family meetings to provide bridges for communication, strengthened communication and care in the family, encouraged family members to express their emotions, promoted emotional exchanges between family members, and contacted a social worker to assist in the subsidy application. Guillain-Barre syndrome is a rare disorder that may result in fear throughout treatment and prognosis. When taking care of patients who are diagnosed with rare diseases, we recommend that medical professionals should not only provide physical care but also ensure psychological evaluation and counselling. Providing psychological support and construction of support systems at appropriate timings can improve the patient’s quality of life.
