
International Journal of Computational Linguistics And Chinese Language Processing THCI

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篇名 改善詞彙對齊以擷取片語翻譯之方法
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Improving Word Alignment for Extraction Phrasal Translation
作者 陳怡君楊謦瑜張俊盛
頁次 037-054
關鍵字 雙語詞彙對齊文法規則搭配詞片語翻譯Word AlignmentGrammar PatternsCollocationsPhrase TranslationTHCI Core
出刊日期 202012




This thesis presents a method for extracting translations of noun-preposition collocations from bilingual parallel corpora. The results provide researchers a reference tool for generating grammar rules. In this paper, we use statistical methods to extract translations of nouns and prepositions from bilingual parallel corpora with sentence alignment, and then adjust the translations according to the Chinese collocations extracted from a Chinese corpus. Finally, we generate example sentences for the translations. The evaluation is done using randomly 30 selected phrases. We used human judge to assess the translations.
