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篇名 同時雙側股骨頸骨折以一階段半髖人工關節治療:病例報告與文獻探討
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 Simultaneous bilateral femoral neck fracture following low-energy trauma treated with one-stage bipolar hemiarthroplasty: case report and literature review
作者 李宜軒李宜展彭孟炤
頁次 030-037
關鍵字 股骨頸骨折半髖人工關節置換低能量創傷骨質疏鬆Femoral neck fractureBipolar HemiarthroplastyLow-energy traumaOsteoporosis
出刊日期 202103
DOI 10.3966/181020932021031901004




Simultaneous bilateral femoral neck fractures comprise an uncommon condition that is associated with metabolic bone disease, high-energy trauma, and seizure disorders. Its occurrence following low-energy trauma in the geriatric population due to osteoporosis is even rarer, with only a very few case reports to date. We herein report an 84-year-old female who sustained bilateral displaced femoral neck fracture that was successfully treated with single-stage bilateral cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty. The mechanism of injury, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment options, and post-operative osteoporosis survey in achieving the best outcome are discussed along with a review of the available literature.
