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篇名 澎湖地區之旅遊滿意度:三年期調查
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 A Three-Year Study of Travel Satisfaction in Penghu
作者 趙惠玉林芳儀
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 澎湖旅遊滿意度PenghuTravel Satisfaction
出刊日期 202012


本研究調查三個年度(2017~2019年)遊客實地到訪澎湖地區旅遊,在旅遊滿意度上的回應。三個年度共計回收有效問卷2871份。研究結果發現:(1) 旅遊滿意度細項部分,「原始天然景觀」、「享受到訪的目的地」、「禮貌與人情味」,為滿意度得分高的項目;「食物物超所值」則為各年度中滿意度中相對較低的項目。(2) 旅遊滿意度構面部分中,「主要旅遊經驗」、「安全」為旅客最為滿意的;而「衛生」、「物超所值」則是滿意度得分相對為低的構面。(3) 不同背景變數在三個年期整體的旅遊滿意度構面有部分差異產生。(4) 比對三個年期的資料,有部分旅客滿意度構面顯示,到訪澎湖旅遊之旅遊滿意度有在提升。


This was a three-year study, which between the year of 2017 and 2019. This study addressed the issue of travel satisfaction, specifically tourists’ who actually travel to Penghu were asked to participate to this study. There were 2871 valid questionnaires, which were used for study analysis. The study results are as follows. (1) Natural beauty, enjoyed the visit(s) to the tourism destination, and courtesy of hosts were scored as the top three travel satisfaction items. However, price worthiness of food at the place of stay was scored as the lowest item. (2) For the factors of travel satisfaction, core tourism experience and security were the most satisfied factors; hygiene and value for money were scored low in the factors. (3) The three-year data in travel satisfaction factors partially differed according to different background variables. (4) Comparing to three different study years, tourists’ travel satisfaction scores on some factors were improving.
