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篇名 雙語教育的推行模式:從新加坡、加拿大的經驗反思臺灣雙語政策
卷期 72:1
並列篇名 The Implementation of Bilingual Education: Reflections on Taiwan’s Bilingual National Policy with the Experience of Singapore and Canada
作者 王俞蓓林子斌
頁次 018-031
關鍵字 雙語教育沉浸式教育新加坡加拿大bilingual educationimmersion programsSingaporeCanada
出刊日期 202103
DOI 10.6249/SE.202103_72(1).0002




In recent years, with the release of ‘Blueprint for Developing Taiwan into a Bilingual Nation by 2030’, each county in Taiwan is competing to promote bilingual education. In order to understand the meaning of bilingual education, this paper first clarifies the definition of bilingual education and compares it with second language learning. Secondly, many countries around the world have adopted different approaches to implement bilingual education, among which Canada’s immersion program is a relatively historical bilingual teaching model. While Singapore, often regarded as a successful country of bilingual education, has its Chinese society background, which is similar to that of Taiwan. Therefore, this paper chooses Singapore and Canada as examples of bilingual education for discussion. Finally, this paper puts forward some reflections and suggestions on Taiwan’s bilingual national policy, and serves as a reference for Taiwan to promote its bilingual national policy.
