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篇名 馮夢龍〈白娘子永鎮雷峰塔〉與方成培《雷峰塔傳奇》的白蛇形象──以「精怪傳說文體」之「藝術功能的敘事結構」為中心
卷期 53
並列篇名 Discussion on an image of white snake from “the Narrative Structure of Artistic Function” in “the Weird Legendary Style” in Feng Menglong’s “The White Maiden Locked for Eternity under the Leifeng Pagoda” and Fang Chengpei’s The Legend of Leifeng Pagoda
作者 謝芳春
頁次 027-050
關鍵字 精怪傳說文體藝術功能的敘事結構馮夢龍〈白娘子永鎮雷峰塔〉方成培《雷峰塔傳奇》the Weird Legendary Stylethe Narrative Structure of Artistic FunctionFeng MenglongThe White Lady Locked for Eternity under the Leifeng PagodaFang ChengpeiThe Legend of Leifeng Pagoda
出刊日期 202103




This paper was according to a range of research in Feng’s “the White Maiden Locked for Eternity under the Leifeng Pagoda” and Fang’s The Legend of Leifeng Pagoda definitive editions of the Legend of White Snake, using “the Narrative Structure of Artistic Function” in “the Weird Legendary Style” to analyze plot features in similar development contexts. In addition, the creators changed the plot sequence that had an effect on the different plot implications and an image of white snake between two definitive editions.Moreover, “the Legendary Narrative Style” in a weird story revealed an heterogeneous identity for the causal structure. The〈Duanyang〉sekime on Fang Chengpei’s The Legend of Leifeng Pagoda played a importment position in the development of plot, because it’s a “type A” narrative technique of “seek cause from effect” to prove necessarily on the white lady as presented as a snake in the plot of “realgar wine change” that not only combined folk Duanyang festival customs, but also meaned the cultural psychological structure about “the difference in class” in a weird story. Lastly, two definitive editions placed the similar development architecture in a weird story to explore an antagonism of concept li, desire, emotion in Ming and Qing, its formed the nation cultural psychological structure of Weird Literature to effect the meaning on the white lady.
