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篇名 利用口譯技巧學習英語的訪談研究
卷期 25
並列篇名 Interview on Practicing Interpretation Skills in the English Classroom
作者 彭書韻
頁次 115-132
關鍵字 口譯英語學生自發性練習發音InterpretationEnglishstudentsmotivationpronunciation
出刊日期 202205




This study aims to identify whether practicing interpretation skills benefits students in the beginner to intermediate level English classroom. Four interpretation skills, shadowing, repetition, summarization and short consecutive interpretation (CI) were taught in a compulsory English class (night school) at a public university in northern Taiwan. Two students volunteered to attend a short interview, which was recorded and transcribed. The interview structure, which was based on three themes, identified various concepts that were subsequently coded under ten labels. Analysis found that practicing interpretation skills would indeed benefit the English learner, specifically in listening and speaking. All four skills required students to put in more effort into listening, and were helpful towards pronunciation and intonation. Difficulties encountered by students included speech that sounded joined and lack of motivation. This study was effective in eliciting student views and suggestions on (future) practice of interpretation skills in the English classroom.
