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篇名 口譯學生的詞彙表調查-專技觀點
卷期 25
並列篇名 The Student Interpreter’s Glossary: An Expert-Novice Perspective
作者 詹柏勻汝明麗
頁次 133-176
關鍵字 詞彙表口譯教學會議口譯準備專技發展glossaryinterpreter trainingconference preparationexpertise development
出刊日期 202205


詞彙表(glossary)係口譯員準備口譯工作之重要環節。根據Jiang (2013)針對476位AIIC(國際會議口譯員協會)口譯員進行調查,顯示高達近70%的受試者會為多數或所有會議製作詞彙表,其重要性自是不言而喻。本研究旨在延續Jiang的詞彙表研究,並將重點置於口譯學生的詞彙表製作與運用,試圖剖析詞彙表對於學生專技發展(expertise development)與學習上的意義,藉此增進口譯研究領域對於詞彙表的瞭解。本研究採問卷調查法與訪談法,問卷係由Jiang所用之問卷修訂而成,包含五大面向:詞彙表的基本認知、樣式、內容、用法、成效。受試者為110名臺灣七所翻譯研究所口譯碩士生,其中20名進一步接受半結構式個別訪談。由統計與訪談結果可得知學生製作詞彙表的趨勢,亦反映學生與專家製作與運用詞彙表的潛在差異。本研究最後探討詞彙表對於口譯學生專技發展所扮演的角色,期望突顯詞彙表對口譯教學的重要性,供口譯教學者參考。


The interpreter’s glossary is considered an indispensable element in the preparation for interpreting assignments. Nearly 70% of the professional interpreters surveyed by Jiang (2013) would build a glossary for most or all meetings. While existing research has addressed the subject in the professional setting, little is known about how interpreting trainees use their glossaries as they develop expertise. This paper, as a follow-up to Jiang’s survey study (2013), attempted to bring the student interpreter’s glossary to light and explore students’ glossary-related practice by means of a questionnaire survey and a semi-structured interview. The questionnaire used in the study was adapted from Jiang’s and covered five areas concerning students’ glossary practice: general understanding, format, content, use, and efficacy. The survey participants included 110 master’s students at seven graduate institutes and programs in English-Chinese translation and interpretation in Taiwan, with 20 of them interviewed. The results revealed trends in the subjects’ general practice in relation to the glossary and highlighted underlying differences between students’ and professionals’ glossary practice. The findings help to yield insight into how the glossary works for aspiring interpreters in expertise development and inform interpreting pedagogy.
