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篇名 意外的遺產:臺灣透過日文轉譯的兒童文學(1945-1992)
卷期 25
並列篇名 Accidental Heritage – On Children’s Literature Translated Indirectly to Taiwan by Way of Japan, 1945-1992
作者 賴慈芸
頁次 207-226
關鍵字 轉譯台日關係兒童文學後殖民時期indirect translationsTaiwan and Japanchildren’s literaturepost-colonial era
出刊日期 202205




From the 1950s to 1990s, Taiwan published more than one thousand translated children’s books that were indirect translations via Japanese rather than from their source languages, be them English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, or others. However, almost none of the translators into Japanese were mentioned on the copyright pages of these books. This four-decade long unauthorized mass translation practice occurred as the result of myriad historical and political factors. Being a former colony of Japan from 1896 to 1945, Taiwan witnessed a generation educated in the language of the colonizer and subsequently better versed in Japanese than the Chinese language of the new post-war regime, despite most ancestors of the Taiwanese having originated in China. However, the new regime regarded the Japanese language as both stigma and threat, and put great effort into uprooting Japan’s influence in Taiwan. This paper aims to describe the practice of “underground” indirect translation and argues that these Japanese-educated translators used their Japanese, an accidental heritage, to compromise the “uprooting Japan” program carried out by their new rulers.
