
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 圖書館館員對工作生活品質之認知研究—以台灣地區公共圖書館為例
卷期 3:1/2
並列篇名 A Survey of Taiwan Public Librarians’ Quality of Working Life
作者 陳書梅
頁次 23-59
關鍵字 工作生活品質公共圖書館館員公共圖書館Quality of working lifePublic librarianPublic libraryTSSCI
出刊日期 200506




The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of Quality of Working Life (QWL) to the library and information field and to assess the QWL among public librarians. The researcher explores every aspects of QWL among the public librarians in Taiwan and the result of an empirical study is presented. Also, by promoting public librarians’ understanding of QWL concepts, researcher would like to urge public librarians to pursuit a higher level of QWL, and in turn to improve the service quality of public library.
