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篇名 詞彙選用之決策樹與心智模型之研究—以台灣大學學生檢索PsycLIT 光碟資料庫為例
卷期 17
並列篇名 A study of Decision Trees for Search Terms Selections and Mental Models: A Case Study in National Taiwan University
作者 黃慕萱
頁次 1-33
關鍵字 資訊檢索Information retrievalDecision treesMental models-flaSearch conceptsSearch termsTerm selections決策樹心智模型檢索概念檢索詞彙詞彙選擇TSSCI
出刊日期 200212


本文以國立臺灣大學學生為研究對象,以PsycLIT 光碟資料庫為檢索系統,總計有10 個指定之檢索問題,每題由不同的計畫檢索者進行5 到6 次的檢索,蒐集到有效樣本為31 位計畫檢索者的59 次檢索,總計產生609 個檢索詞彙。本文探討重點是根據檢索者選用的檢索詞彙,分析出詞彙選用之決策樹,同時根據決策樹歸納出個人詞彙選用之心智模型,最後則探討心智模型與選用詞彙一致性及檢索結果重複性之關係,藉以瞭解各種不同心智模型的特性。


This article analyzes the information retrieval of college and graduate students in National Taiwan University when they were using PsycLIT CD-ROM database. 31 students conducted pre-assigned searches, doing 59 searches, and generating 609 search terms. This study investigates selection of search terms, search results, and decision trees for search terms selections. It also attempts to establish the relationship between different mental models and the above factors.
