
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 從生命科學期刊論文作者數探討科學合作
卷期 17
並列篇名 Scientific Collaboration and Coauthors in Life Science Journal Articles
作者 傅雅秀
頁次 71-80
關鍵字 科學合作引用文獻分析共同作者Scientific CollaborationCitation AnalysisCoauthorsTSSCI
出刊日期 200212


在自然與應用科學領域,科學合作相當普通,大科學、網際網路與全球化更增進科學合作。本研究利用Web of Science 和Journal Citation Reports 資料庫調查.六種不同影響力的生命科學期刊之三百二.篇論文之共同作者人數。結果顯示,作者數和期刊影響力無關,作者數和文章被引用次數亦不相關。作者數大多分佈於10 人以下,而被引用次數則較集中於25 次以下。


It is common to conduct collaborative research in science and technology. In particular,the development of big science, Internet, and globalization facilitated the scientific collaboration. This study used two databases, Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports as data sources. From the analysis of 320 papers in 16 journals in life sciences, the results showed that there is no significant correlation between the impact factor of journals and the number of authors. Moreover, there is no correlation of authors and the cited times, either. The number of authors and cited times in most papers are under 10 persons and 25 times, respectively.
