
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 圖書資訊分類架構在組織與呈現知識上之應用
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Application of Classification Structures in Knowledge Organization and Representation
作者 邱子恆
頁次 123-136
關鍵字 分類架構知識呈現知識組織Classification StructureKnowledge OrganizationKnowledge RepresentationTSSCI
出刊日期 200212




Classification is a way of seeing the world. In a classification scheme, phenomena of interest are represented in a context of relationships that provide description, explanation, prediction, heuristics, and the generation of new knowledge. Knowing that information organization isn’t equal to knowledge organization, the author first defines the scope of
classification and knowledge organization, and then describes the relationship between the classification and the representation and organization of knowledge. At the end, four kinds of classification structures are compared to show their abilities in representing knowledge.
In order to utilize these classification structures, it is very important to understand their advantages and disadvantages.
