
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 建構資訊使用者與資訊系統間的對話管道:檢測資訊情境與資訊落差
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 Building Channels of Dialogue Between Information Systems and Information Users : An Investigation to Information Situation and Information Gap
作者 陳祥
頁次 59-74
關鍵字 Situation modelSense-making modelInformation users情境模式意義建構理論資訊使用者TSSCI
出刊日期 200306




This research explores the possibility of building a simulating channel of dialogue between information systems and information users. By keeping the two-way dialogue, the information system is able to understand the information users’ seeking behavior, goals and motivations, and the users’ information problems per se. Using Dervin’s sense-making model, this study tries to investigate the user’s situational needs and problems before and after in getting access to the electronic government portal of Taiwan. By analyzing users’ self-evaluation including users’ information situations, problems, and gaps, a better and more powerful information system in understanding users’ information problems can be developed.
