
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 專題式學習小組溝通行為與成員角色之研究
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 A Study of the Communication Behaviors and Members’ Roles
作者 許喬雯岳修平林維真
頁次 137-164
關鍵字 專題式學習電腦中介溝通成員角色溝通行為小組互動歷程Computer-mediated CommunicationProject-based LearningMember RoleCommunication BehaviorInteraction ProcessTSSCI
出刊日期 201006




The infusion of information and communication technology into instruction has gained the foothold within many classrooms in higher education by its advantages to enable the variety and
accessibility of school teaching and learning. However, to engage students with the technology-enhanced learning experiences calls for attentions on more the processes than the mere outcome of
technology use. This study examines the common phenomenon in college campus where network technology, group activities and project works are available with the intention to explore how student performance of teamwork and learning is affected by the micro factors of group compositions, members’ roles and their communication behaviors. Results show that the group performed most
procedure-, task-, and social-communication behaviors during the execution stage than that of preparation and completion stages. Additionally, members’ roles performed and interfered within these
stages positively affected the project performance to different extent.
