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篇名 臺灣與日本雙邊科學合作之探討:2000~2009年合著論文之書目計量研究
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Bi-lateral Scientific Collaboration between Taiwan and Japan: A Bibliometric Study of Coauthored Articles during 2000~2009
作者 張郁蔚
頁次 055-093
關鍵字 合著論文科學合作書目計量臺灣日本Co-authored articlesScientific collaborationBibliometricsTaiwanJapanTSSCI
出刊日期 201012




This paper described a bibliometric study of the scientific collaboration between Taiwan and Japan during 2000-2009 as represented by their co-authored articles indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded. The findings suggested collaboration between Taiwan and Japan had intensified. The subject fields with the most intensive collaboration were medicine and physics. Institution types and combination of institution types participating in collaboration were rather diverse; each was strong in certain subject fields. Universities were the major type of institutions involved in international collaborative research. National Taiwan University and The University of Tokyo were the most
productive institutions in the respective country, while the National Chiao Tung University and Osaka University formed the most productive pair in the cross-country collaboration.
