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篇名 從【雲飛】論臺灣皮影戲唱腔之傳承
卷期 14
並列篇名 From
作者 李婉淳
頁次 025-056
關鍵字 雲飛皮影戲唱腔曲牌傳承Yun-feiShadow playSinging-styleLabeled melodyQupaiInheritance
出刊日期 201005


本文試圖以錄音時間橫跨60 餘年的曲牌【雲飛】演唱版本,以及訪談演師、樂師,探究皮影戲唱腔的傳承。本研究透過13 個【雲飛】演唱版本的分析,以及訪談演師張歲、張新國、許福助,樂師林連標、張姜,得知曲牌【雲飛】歷經60 餘年的傳唱,仍舊呈現出極高的穩定性,包括唱詞的句法架構、音階、調式、拍法、音程、曲調與過門、過場樂的關係等面向。然而,從演唱者的技藝學習脈絡來看,分屬七個戲團的演唱者,並不因師承不同、隸屬不同戲團,而衍生出不同的「版本」。


This paper analyses the inheritance of the singing-style in Taiwanese shadow play through the thirteen versions of the labeled melody (qupai, 曲牌), “Yun-fei”(【雲飛】) over sixty years, and the interviews ofpuppeteers and players. The puppeteers are Sui Zhang (張歲), Xin-Guo Zhang (張新國) and Fu-Zhu Xu. (許福助) The players are Lian-Biao Lin (林連標) and Jiang Zhang (張姜). Through these analyses and interviews, “Yun-fei” still shows the stability in the text and music, including syntax, scale, mode,
rhythm, interval, melody, instrumental music and so on. Besides, the puppeteers and players who are from seven troupes and have different teachers, show the same version from their learning.
