
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 虛擬社群的資訊分享行為
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 Information Sharing of the Virtual Community
作者 蔡至欣賴玲玲
頁次 161-196
關鍵字 資訊分享資訊獲取與分享資訊偶遇虛擬社群Information sharingInformation acquisition-and-sharingInformation encounterVirtual communityTSSCI
出刊日期 201106




Information sharing is a natural and common behavior, which happens when a person passes on information he/she finds to others and/or exchanges information with others. Information sharing can occur when receiving information that is expected or unexpected. The Internet has helped the
development of virtual communities, which increases greatly the opportunities for information sharing.When reviewing related literature in the field of Library and Information Science, the authors found
that research studies on information behavior are developing steadily, yet with more emphasis on different client groups and contexts, few are focused on information sharing. This paper aims to review and synthesize literature with an interdisciplinary nature to increase the understanding of information sharing in the virtual community. Based on the analysis of the literature, virtual communities can be categorized into various types; common interests and goals is the most important factor for members
to stay in and contribute to the community. Also, vibrant interaction among the virtual community is critical to the development of the virtual community.
