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篇名 淺釋音樂教育哲學的意涵、應然、及其研究上的限制
卷期 15
並列篇名 The Philosophy of Music Education:What It Is, What It Is Not, and What It Should Be
作者 葉自強
頁次 115-135
關鍵字 哲學音樂教育哲學功效哲學審美哲學實踐哲學philosophyphilosophy of music educationutilitarian paradigmaesthetic paradigmpraxis paradigm
出刊日期 201105




In recent years, scholars have gradually introduced concepts of a philosophy of music education originating in North America into the Taiwan music education system without thoroughly investigating their meaning, methodology, and implications. While these concepts have enriched the scholarship of music education in Taiwan, their adoption as the standard of the practice and research has been perhaps premature, and it has occurred despite the fact that the academic community has never critically examined the validity of its fundamental premises.The purpose of this study is to consider the following questions: first, what are
the meaning and implications of the philosophy of music education in its current state; second, should a music education philosophy with a more appropriate set of paradigms be developed; and third, does a philosophy of music education have inherent limitations?
