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篇名 發展顧客體驗分析機制應用於服務需求之探索
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 Development of Customer Experience Analysis for Service Demand
作者 石琢暐朱慧娟陳裕民
頁次 015-034
關鍵字 服務需求需求落差顧客體驗service demanddemand gapcustomer experience
出刊日期 201105
DOI 10.3966/222369612011050101002




Customer satisfaction is the major goal in service industry. How to identify service demands and analyze service appraisal are important issues for decision makers in enterprise. Customer demands are represented in an unstructured wordof-mouth, but demand gaps exist in communication process due to the complexity of human,s semantics. Therefore, this study proposes an analysis mechanism of real customer experiences based on semantic. The mechanism can capture customers, posts automatically, identify their appraisals, and shrink the gaps between customer demands and business cognitions. The results of these experiments proves that this mechanism can effectively extract more than 80% of customers, appraisals, and reach more than 70% of accuracy. The results prove the effectiveness and feasibility of this proposed mechanism in mining service demands.
