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篇名 應用等候理論分析郵局儲匯窗口服務效能
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 A Study of Applying Queuing Theory to Analyze the Efficiency of Banking Service Counters the Post Office
作者 廖國良謝政憲張仁俊黃世杰游上毅游紀紋
頁次 035-059
出刊日期 201105
DOI 10.3966/222369612011050101003


中華郵政改制國營公司後,為維持競爭力,以開發新業務和降低用人成本的方式,來應付市場開放的龐大競爭壓力,在業務量增加的情況下,顧客到郵局都必須面對擁擠的人潮。本研究目的在分析郵局儲匯窗口服務人員配置和顧客等候時間以及服務效率之間的關係。研究資料蒐集自東部某郵局,以電腦語音叫號系統實地蒐集1 年的作業資料,加上每日值班人數以及生產力績效值等,應用等候理論來求出各項基效基準值,以瞭解現行人員的排班調度是否符合實際等候系統的需求。最後以線性規劃(Linear Programming)推導出最佳化的排班模型,使服務效率能符合顧客的要求,以提升客戶滿意度,維持郵政事業在市場上的競爭力。


Since the restructuring of state-owned company, in order to remain competitive, Chunghwa Post has been developing new business to increase revenue and reducing the employment cost margin as the way to cope with the enormous competitive pressure in open market. In the context of increasing business volume, the customer must face the crowds in the post office.This study aims to analyze the personnel dispose of banking service window in the post office, and relationship between waiting time of customer and efficiency of the service. Data were collected from a post office in the eastern part of Taiwan, which were the field collection of computer voice calling system in a whole year, plus the number of people for daily duty and the value of productivity performance. Queuing theory was applied to calculate each effective reference datum value in order to understand whether the existing staff scheduling fits the practical requirement of waiting system. Consequently, the data obtained from queuing theory were used to plan the best scheduling model for increasing the satisfaction of customer and maintaining the competitiveness of postal service in the market.

