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篇名 安全軟體開發生命週期設計階段最佳實務之探討
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 A Study on the Best Practices of Design Phase in Secure Software Development Life Cycle
作者 陳振楠伍台國林宜隆楊博閔
頁次 061-078
關鍵字 安全軟體開發生命週期非功能需求風險管理軟體漏洞資訊安全secure software development lifecyclenon-functional requirementsrisk managementsoftware vulnerabilitiesinformation security
出刊日期 201105
DOI 10.3966/222369612011050101004




As information technology got rapidly developed and highly utilized, the impacts of information security for everyone,s daily life became significant and serious. Since attackers often take advantage of software vulnerabilities to perform successful intrusions, the defenders must improve software security to avoid being compromised repeatedly. When non-functional requirements such as security controls are considered early in the software development lifecycle, it not only greatly reduces the cost of fixing security bugs at the production stage, but also comprehensively and effectively addresses the overall security of the developed software. This paper covers best practices throughout the secure software development lifecycle (SSDLC) with emphasis on security design and additional concepts.
