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篇名 中文古典詩詞分類器之比較研究
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 A Comparative Study of Automatic Classifiers for Classical Chinese Poems
作者 陳耀宗賴泓錡林育民陳宗暐洪健偉
頁次 125-142
關鍵字 卡方檢定自動化文件分類kNNNaïve BayesianRocchiochi-square testAutomatic Document CategorizationkNNNaïve BayesianRocchio
出刊日期 201105
DOI 10.3966/222369612011050101007




Most compiling books of Chinese classical poems are based on authors or years. However, for reading convenience, readers need a kind of classification based on contents.Automatic classification methods based on contents have been proposed before. Most methods are applied to English documents such as news stories. Fewer studies are done for Chinese classical poems. In this study, we implement an automatic classification system incorporate with several methods and conduct an empirical study to find out which method is more suitable for classified of Chinese classical poems.
