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篇名 整合後設認知及心智繪圖法為教學策略於國小資訊教育課程之研究:以促進電腦構圖能力為例
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 Integrating Metacognitive and Mind Mapping Strategies into the Instruction of Computer Course for Fifth Graders' Learning of Graphic Composition
作者 黃雅萍吳佩芬
頁次 163-188
關鍵字 心智繪圖後設認知電腦繪圖資訊教育Mind mappingComputer graphicsMetacognitionInformation education
出刊日期 201105
DOI 10.3966/222369612011050101009




In recent years, students in class tend to be more passive and they often answer the question without thinking thoroughly. Even when they are facing the problem, they do not know how to solve it with their previous knowledge or experiences. Same situation happened in primary school,s computer graphics classes of information education; the works of students are dull and rough. They have hard time to portrait the image of their daily life situation.Therefore, integrating metacognitive strategies and Mind mapping strategies into the instruction of computer course based on the “2010 Taipei International Flower Expo." is provided in this study. By doing so, the students can connect the social issues in learning. They will be able to rethink their previous experiences by using the informative technology tools, and reflect their thinking into computer graphics works. The purpose of the study is to plan, design, and implement the integrating metacognitive and Mind mapping strategies into the instruction of computer course. By running the teaching activities, the result of advancing the students' computer graphics and metacognitive abilities is expected and approved.
