
清華學報 THCI

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篇名 中國古代書法傳統與當代藝術
卷期 40:3
作者 石守謙
頁次 583-608
關鍵字 中國當代藝術'倉頡董陽殺馮明秋徐冰谷文達Chinese contemporary artCang JieFung Ming-ChipGu WendaTong Yang-tzeXu BingTHCI
出刊日期 201009


當代藝術深受後現代思潮之衝擊,在形式展現上即以「解構」傳統為基本訴求,並賴之傳達各式定義「當代性」的內涵。從表面上看,當代藝術的這些創作者都在宣示、執行著他們與其出身的文化傳統間的絕裂,但在實質上,他們卻以其各自的方式,重新回到傳統的某些源頭深處,為他們自己的「當代性j 尋求一種神秘而古老的生命力。這是當代藝術中最吊詭,卻也最迷人之處。本文將藉由對當代藝術家董陽致、馮明秋、丘志傑、徐冰、谷文達等人之作品,探討他們的藝術與中國古老的書法傳統間的關係o書法藝術及其根本的文字書寫行為,在經過長時間的歷史實踐之後,早已內化成中國文化傳統中的核心部分。它的歷史,包括各種神話、傳說在內,在當代藝術家手中,一方面是批判的對象,但同時也是觸發創作靈感的泉源。他們實皆不約而同地關注著書法傳統中最根本的書寫表意之課題,藉而宣示他們各自的「當代」立場。這幾位藝術家的背景與活動的區域也各自不同,他們所「回望」的書法傳統以及「當代」之訴求,因此亦大異其趣。對如此當代藝術與古老傳統間互動之多樣表現的理解,或許亦有助於掌握當代文化中對「全球化/區域性」的論爭。


Avant-garde artists often have the reputation of not merely distancing themselves from, but also rebelling against, aesthetic tradition. Although perhaps it is an exaggeration to say that these contemporary works are completely distinct from traditional ones, critics oftentimes overlook the deeprooted connections that lie between the two. In the work of five Chinese avant-garde artists, Xu Bing, Gu Wenda, Chiu Zhichieh, Tong Yang-tze and Fung Ming-Chip, the relationship that is shared with the past is not one that is readily apparent in the physical works themselves, but rather embedded in the cultural concepts found in artistic creation. The practice of Chinese calligraphy is integrated into the core of Chinese history and culture. The feeling of antiquity, and its subsequent associations with legends and folklore, can all be easily summoned when considering calligraphy's own rich cultural traditions. The recent work of avant-garde artists in this already abundant repertoire is not so much a departure from previous works but more of a reminder of the origins of this art and culture. For example, rather than viewing the works of Xu Bing as manipulations of characters, one can see them as new creations reassembling the elements of writing. Calling to mind the nascent foundations of calligraphy, when characters were first conceived of and systems of writing were initially developed, these avant-garde works are essentially experimenting with the very notion of creation. In other words, the concept of the creation of writing through the recreation of tradition draws intimate bonds between the old and the new.
