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篇名 Inguinoscrotal Bladder Herniation:Report of 2 Cases and Literature Review
卷期 12:3
作者 Huang, Shih-chiehHuang, Shih-tsungHsieh, Ming-liTsui, Ke-hungChang, Phei-lang
頁次 135-137
關鍵字 bladder herniationherniavoiding cystourethrographyTSCI
出刊日期 200109



Inguinal bladder hernia is a rare clinical condition, reported in 1 to 4% of inguinal hernia cases.This study reports 2 cases of inguinoscrotal bladder herniation. The first case involves a 59-year-old male who had intermittent right scrotal mass for 2 years. The mass lesion protruded
through the inguinal canal during voiding and disappeared after voiding. Voiding cystourethrography demonstrated a dog-ear bladder herniation into the right scrotum. The second case involves an 81-year-old male diagnosed by computed tomography (CT) of the pelvis and cystography.Simple reduction of bladder herniation with herniorrhaphy was accomplished through an inguinal incision.Preoperative diagnosis should be considered when patients complain of inguinal mass reduction after micturition. The diagnosis of bladder hernia can be confirmed by voiding cystourethrography
or scrotal ultrasonography. Simple reduction of bladder herniation with repair of the posterior wall or internal ring is an adequate treatment.
