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篇名 Mnimally Invasive Surgery for Adrenalectomy:Initial Experience in Taichung Veterans General Hospital
卷期 11:3
並列篇名 腎上腺切除之微創手術:台中榮總之初始經驗
作者 林嘉祥邱文祥Chiu,賀昊中歐宴泉程千里吳鴻昇楊啟瑞
頁次 120-124
關鍵字 微創腎上腺切除術無氣式腹腔鏡經腹腔經後腹腔minimally invasiveadrenalectomygasless laparoscopictransperitonealretroperitonealTSCI
出刊日期 200009




OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to report the preliminary experience and to compare the results of three different modalities: gasless laparoscopic assisted adrenalectomy (GLAA), gaseous laparoscopic adrenalectomy (LA) and open adrenalectomy (OA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: From March 1995 to December 1996, total 13 consecutive patients underwent adrenalectomy at our section, 5 with traditional OA and 8 with GLAA. And from July 1999 to March 2000, we had initial experience of transperitoneal and retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy (TLA and RLA) in total 11 patients. The characteristics of the patients and the results of the four techniques were recorded on a database. To analyze dichotomous variables, the Kruskal Wallis H test and Mann-Whitney U test were performed. RESULTS: All the patients had unilateral disease in our series. The operative time of OA is the shortest (p=0.000) and the LA group was more time-consuming, especially in the transperitoneal counterpart. Perioperative blood loss was the lowest in the GLAA group, followed by RLA, TLA, and OA group. The usage of postoperative analgesic was the least after RLA and the highest after OA (p=0.000). Postoperative hospital stay was also the shortest following RLA and TLA and the longest following OA (p=0.004). CONCLUSION: Though the best choice between one of these three minimally invasive adrenalectomies is still a debate, the better cosmetic result and quicker postoperative convaliscence suggest the laparoscopic adrenalectomy (either transperitoneal or retroperitoneal) to be the preferred modality at present.
