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篇名 Early Primary Endoscopic Realignment for Posterior Urethral Injury in a Patient with Malgaigne’s Fracture:Case Report
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 Malgaigne’s 骨盆骨折合併尿道損傷於早期以內視鏡行尿道重新吻合術:病例報告
作者 范文宙鄭哲舟林宏邱文祥
頁次 086-088
關鍵字 早期以內視鏡行尿道重新吻合術不穩定性骨盆骨折尿道損傷early primary endoscopic realignmenturethral unjurypelvic fractureTSCI
出刊日期 200006




A 27-year-old male victim of traffic accident was diagnosed to have unstable pelvic fracture (Malgaigne’s fracture) and complete posterior urethral disruption. Suprapubic cystostomy was done as a primary aid followed by early primary endoscopic realignment eight days later. Under general anesthesia, he was placed in a moderate lithotomy position. A 5F ureteral catheter was passed into disrupted posterior urethra by a bystoscope via suprapubic cystostoma. A cystoscope with cold cup forceps was applied to find and grasp the catheter vas urethra. Then, the ureteral catheter was pulled out as a guide and an 18F end-hole Foley catheter was inserted into the bladder successfully. This technique is an effective and easy method to treat posterior urethral injury, even in patients with unstable pelvic fracture. Early primary endoscopic realignment may be considered as a treatment of choice for patients with posterior urethral injury.
