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篇名 Outcome of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in the Treatment of Male-Factor Infertility:Experience at Shin Kong WHS Memorial Hospital
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 卵細胞質內精蟲注入法治療男性不孕症之成果:新光醫院的經驗
作者 陳宏恩黃一勝黃建榮黃詩嘉
頁次 001-004
關鍵字 卵細胞質內精蟲注入法,副睪丸精蟲顯微抽取術睪丸精蟲萃取術男性不孕症intracytoplasmic sperm injectionmicrosurgical epididymal sperm aspirationtesticular sperm extractionmale-factor infertilityTSCI
出刊日期 200003


傳統的人工助孕科技,諸如體外受精,受精卵輸卵管植入,胚胎植入術等,長久以來已被應用於治療男性不孕症,惟效果並非很好。但自1992年卵細胞質內精蟲注入法成功發展之後,對男性不孕症的治療又邁進了一大步。自1995年7月至1998年12月,共有113對夫妻因男性因素導致的不孕來本院求診並接受卵細胞質內精蟲注入法的治療。其中有28位病人為無精蟲症患者,5位為精蟲過少症,54位為精蟲活動力不良患者,其餘26位為精蟲稀少無力症患者。無精蟲症患者當中,其精蟲之取得有2位是靠副睪丸精蟲顯微抽取術,8位是靠睪丸精蟲萃取術,另外18位接受經皮副睪丸或睪丸精虫抽取術。結果有26人次位懷孕,懷孕率為72.2%(26/36 cycles)。精蟲過少症患者中,有4位妻子懷孕,懷孕率為80%(4/5cycles)。至於精蟲活動力不良患者,有42人次懷孕,懷孕率為65.6%(42/64cycles)。精蟲稀少無力症患者中,有14人次懷孕,懷孕率為51.9%(14/27cycles)。總懷孕率為65.2%(86/132cycles)。總受精率為74.9%(1138/1519)。目前出生的小孩並無染色體異常或重大畸形。雖然這項新技術的應用仍然有一些問題存在,包括費用昂貴,較高的多胞胎機率導致早產以及母親之相關併發症的機率較高等等,但是對於那些因男性因素導致不孕的患者,確實能夠提供相當大的幫助。


From July 1995 to December 1998, there were 113 couples with male-factor infertility who received intracytoplasmic sperm injection for pregnancy at Shin Kong WHS Memorial Hospital. Among them, 28 patients had azoospermia, 5 patients had oligospermia(sperm density<20x106/ml), 54 patients had asthenozoospermia(sperm density 20x106/ml but motility<50%)and 26 patients had oligoasthenozoospermia(sperm density <20x106/ml and motility<50%).In the azoospermia group, sperm were extracted by the use of microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration in 2 patients and testicular sperm extraction in 8 patients. Per-cutaneous epididymal sperm aspirations or percutaneous testicular sperm aspirations were also performed in 18 patients. There were 26 pregnancies in 36 ICSI cycles(26/36,72.2%). In the oligospermia group, 4 patients got pregnant in 5 ICSI cycles(4/5,80%). In the astheno-zoospermia group, there were 42 pregnancies in 64 ICSI cycles(42/64,65.6%).In the oligoas-thenozoospermia group, there were 14 pregnancies in 27 ICSI cycles(14/27,51.9%).The total pregnancy rate was 65.2%(86/132 cycles).The fertilization rate in 132 treatment cycles was 74.9%(1138/1519).No chromosomal abnormalities or major malformations were found in their children. Although the new technologies(PESA/MESA/TESE/ICSI)are expensive and have potentially increased rates of premature births, perinatal morbidity, and maternal complications, they give hope for couples with male-factor infertility who strongly desire their own offspring, especially for azoospermia patients.
