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篇名 Subcapsular Hematoma of the Kidney after Extracorporeal Shock - Wave Lithotripsy
卷期 10:4
並列篇名 因震波碎石術造成的腎臟包膜下血腫
作者 吳瑞芳陳汶吉吳錫金葉進仲呂學甫張士三楊慶鏘鄒頡龍
頁次 164-167
關鍵字 包膜下血腫體外震波碎石術高血壓多發性結石subcapsular hematomaESWLhypertensionmultiple stonesTSCI
出刊日期 199912




Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a safe and widespread modality for the treatment of renal stones. Although rarely used for treatment of subcapsular hematoma of the kidney, this procedure may sometimes be required in critical case for possible renal loss. This study investigated 10 subcapsular hematomas that were encountered during a 10-year period using ESWL treatment in patients with renal stones. This history revealed eight with hypertension, four with urinary tract infection (UTI), two with diabetes mellitus (DM) and 1 with peptic ulcer. None of the patients died. One Dm patient with coexisting UTI underwent nephrectomy due to the occurrence of perirenal abscess. Age older than 50 years and multiple stones might be risk fac-tors of the occurrence of perirenal hematoma after ESWL.(J Urol R.O.C., 10:164-167,1999)
