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篇名 Removal of Renal Cell Carcinoma Extending into Supradiaphragmatic Inferior Vena Cava Using Cardiopulmonary Bypass with Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest - A Report of 2 Cases
卷期 10:4
並列篇名 腎細胞癌延伸至橫膈上下腔靜脈的切除手術-兩病例報告
作者 陳文銘楊啟瑞黎方中林嘉祥石宏文高育琳賀昊中歐晏泉程千里陳榮達
頁次 173-176
關鍵字 腎細胞癌下腔靜脈腫瘤栓塞心肺體外循環低體溫循環停止renal cell carcinomavena caval tumor thrombuscardiopulmonary bypassdeep hy-pothermic circulatory arrestTSCI
出刊日期 199912


腎細胞癌延伸至橫膈上下腔靜脈是一種罕見的病例。手術切除是唯一有效的方法。我們報告兩例利用體外環,降低體溫及循環中止成功地切除腫瘤的經驗。病理報告顯示其中一位有後腹腔淋巴腺轉移,病人於術後1年因肺轉移死亡;另外一位則無淋巴腺轉移,術後1 年無再發俷轉移的現象。


Cardiopulmonary bypass with deep hypothermic circulatory arrest has been established as a useful method in the surgical management of patients with rend cell carcinoma and large infe-rior vena caval tumor thrombi. We present our experience with 2 cases of renal cell carcinoma extending into the supradiaphragmatic inferior vena cave using cardiopulmonary bypass with deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. (j Urol R.O.C., 10:173-176,1999)
