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篇名 Traumatic Adrenal Hematoma
卷期 10:4
並列篇名 外傷性單側腎上腺出血
作者 歐建慧林永明林信男唐一清
頁次 177-181
關鍵字 腎上腺出血腎上腺血腫外傷adrenal hemorrhageadrenal hematomatraumaTSCI
出刊日期 199912




Most cases of post-traumatic adrenal hemorrhage present with concomitant severe chest or abdominal injuries, expressing multiple organ problems. Isolated adrenal injuries following blunt abdominal trauma are rare. Herein, we report 2 cases of isolated right adrenal hematoma following blunt abdominal trauma. One patient was successfully conservatively. Ultrasonography showed that the hemato-ma resolved spontaneously after 4-mo’s follow-up. The other patient received adrenalectomy, and the pathology confirmed the diagnosis of adrenal hematoma. Four possible mechanisms of adrenal hematoma after blunt abdominal trauma have been proposed in the literature and are discussed in this paper. We suggest that when an incidental adrenal mass is found after blunt abdominal trauma, even in a minor injury not associated with other intra-abdominal injuries, the possibility of adre-nal hemorrhage should be considered. Serial follow-up with ultrasonography is useful to confirm the diagnosis and to rule out the possibility of an underlying neoplasm.(J Urol R.O.C.,10:177-181,1999)
