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篇名 Long-Term Outcome of Surgical Repair for Penile Fracture
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 手術治療陰莖折斷之長期預後
作者 陳煜陳志碩戴順慶周建中江仰仁陳孝文莊正鏗朱聖賢
頁次 74-78
關鍵字 陰莖折斷尿道傷害手術治療penile fractureurethral injurysurgical managementTSCI
出刊日期 199906


陰莖折斷為一不常見之傷害,它常因性交、手淫、或意外等,使勃起之陰莖受到鈍挫傷而造成。從1987年至1998年,共有13位平均年齡39歲之病人因陰莖折斷而住院,其中9人是因性交而受傷,其餘4人因為手淫或意外而受傷。所有病人接受早期手術修補,而從受傷到接受手術歷時3小時到3天不等。其中3位病人同時伴有尿道傷害,經手術治療後排尿情況良好。在此研究中,平均追蹤時間為49 .8個月。12位病人早期陰莖勃起功能恢復良好,其中3位病人在追蹤過程中發現有輕微陰莖側彎之現象,但這不影響其性交之進行。餘下一位病人因在發生陰莖折斷前已有勃起功能障礙之問題,故在術後因同樣原因而接受人工陰莖植入術。由以上良好結果顯示,陰莖折斷應儘早手術治療。


Penile fracture is an unusual injury which occurs following blunt trauma to the rigid penis during intercourse, masturbation, or accidents. Thirteen cases (mean age 39 yr, range 11-64 yr) of penile fracture occurring between 1987 and 1998 were retrospectively reviewed, and their current status was evaluated. Nine cases of penile fracture were secondary to mishaps during intercourse, while others were associated with masturbation or accidents. All patients were managed by surgical repair. The surgical delay ranged from 3 h to 3 d. Associated urethral injury were seen in 3 cases, and all of them recovered with normal voiding function. Follow-up time ranged from 13 to 137 mo (mean, 49.8 mo). Early recovery of erectile function was found in 12 patients. Slight penile curvature during erection were observed in 3 patients, but this did not impede coitus. Implantation of penile prosthesis was performed in I case because of persistent erectile dysfunction after penile fracture. Favorable results suggest that penile fracture should be repaired as early as possible.
