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篇名 Renal Abscess in Children: An Unrecognized Complication of Vesicoureteral Reflux
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 小兒腎膿瘍:一個未被認知的膀胱輸尿管逆流併發症
作者 鍾慧明余燦榮
頁次 83-86
關鍵字 腎膿瘍小兒膀胱輸尿管逆流renal abscesschildrenvesicoureteral refluxTSCI
出刊日期 199906




Renal abscesses are extremely rare in children and are rarely described as a complication of vesicoureteral reflux. Here we report a case, who presented with bilateral renal abscesses and a unilateral left-side reflux. The close relationship between reflux and renal abscesses was also demonstrated. The right renal abscess was cured by antibiotic therapy alone, but the left renal abscess required additional percutaneous drainage. The left-side refluxing ureter was reimplant-ed successfully one year later, while a new onset of contralateral reflux was found postoperatively. A renal abscess without reflux presented at diagnosis, implying the possible presence of a resolved reflux, an intermittent reflux, or a reflux masked by a false negative cystogram. We suggest that renal abscess formation in children should be considered as a complication of vesico-ureteral reflux. To avoid progressive renal injury by undiagnosed reflux, medical survilliance is necessary even no reflux is documented at initial diagnosis
