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篇名 Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Ureteral Stump 10 Years after Nephrectomy for Benign Disease
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 因良性疾病行腎臟切除術術後十年輸尿管殘端移行上皮癌之病例報告
作者 范文宙沈坤宏戴訓展江秀山鄭哲舟邱文祥
頁次 29-32
關鍵字 移行上皮癌輸尿管殘端transitional cell carcinomaureteral stumpTSCI
出刊日期 199903


一位74 歲女性病人因無痛性血尿斷斷續續兩年且有因感染且喪失腎功能而切除腎臟的病史達十年之久,來院求治。經逆行性腎盂攝影和電腦斷層掃瞄診斷於左側輸尿管殘端發現腫瘤。手術治療後,經病理檢驗證實為移行上皮癌。在輸尿管殘端發生原發性移行上皮癌是一種機率很小的情形,如果原本是因良性疾病行腎臟切除術,而得到輸尿管殘端移行上皮癌更是稀少。我們報告一個因感染且無功用腎臟而切除腎臟於十年後得輸尿管殘端發生移行上皮癌之病例並回顧文獻。


A 74-year-old female patient suffered from painless gross hematuria on and off for 2 years. She underwent left nephrectomy for infected non-functional kidney 10 years before, and the report of pathology revealed pyelonephritis. Retrograde ureterography was consistent with a fill-ing defect in the left ureteral stump. Computerized tomography showed a tumor lesion in the left ureteral lumen. At exploration, a papillary growth was found in the left ureteral stump. Ureterectomy for the residual ureteral stump with removal of bladder cuff was performed. Pathological examination of the specimen demonstrated grade II papillary transitional cell carcinoma without muscle invasion. Primary transitional cell carcinoma occurring in the ureteral stump after nephrectomy for infected non-functional kidney is rare. We review the literature and discuss the diagnosis and potential etiologies of tumor formation in the ureteral stump.
