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篇名 膀胱灌注染色劑以確定手術中置放雙J型輸尿管導管
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 Intravesical Dye Instillation for Confirmation of Right Position of Intraoperative Double-J Stenting
作者 周以和陳明潭黃俊雄
頁次 18-20
關鍵字 膀胱灌注染色劑雙J型輸尿管導管intravesical dye instillationdouble-J stentTSCI
出刊日期 199803


輸尿管手術的患都於手術中置放剸尿管導管可幫助傷口吻合及復原,置放後確定此管是否放入膀胱內,傳統上須做放射線或膀胱鏡檢查,花費較多人力及設備。本研究採用碟方法,在放完輸尿管導管後,由術前留置的經尿道膀胱導尿管內,灌入稀釋的染劑(patent blue)於膀胱內,若手術者由手術切口觀察到稀釋之染液外滲,即表此管已置放於膀胱中,本研究以此法施行於7例手術中,術後追蹤全部成功,認為一此為一簡單方便且有效的方法。(J Urol R.O.C., 9:18-20,1998)


The need for intraoperative double-J ureteral stenting has been reviewed in several articles. A stent serves to align the area of anastomosis, prevent extravasation by diverting the urine past the anastomosis, and alleviate obstruction from postoperative edema. At the time of surgery, ureteral stents are placed from the operative wound. Traditionally, the proper position of the stent in the urinary bladder is confirmed by radiological examination or direct visualization of cystoscopy. It is time-consuming and sometimes cumbersome. We describe an alternative method for confirmation of intraoperative doube-J stenting. Diluted patent blue was instillated from the urethral foley catheter to the urinary bladder after intraoperative double-J stenting. If the catheter is properly positioned in the urinary bladder, the fluid with will diluted dye be visible in the operative wound. The procedure was undertaken in 7 cases without difficulty. Our results confirm this is a simple and effective method.
