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篇名 Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia Complicating Priapism - A Case Report
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 慢性骨髓性白血病併發陰莖異常勃起-病例報告
作者 邱斌賴明坤
頁次 41-44
關鍵字 陰莖異常勃起慢性骨髓性白血病priapismchroinc myelocytic leukemiaTSCI
出刊日期 199803


慢性骨髓性白血病併發陰莖異常勃起是一種少見的疾病。我們報告一例17歲男性病人發生陰莖異常勃起達24小時,過去病史無服用特殊藥物或會陰部外傷。血像檢查及白血球分類發現白血球數高達165,260/mm3,骨髓母細胞4%,前骨髓細胞16%,骨髓細胞44%。骨髓切片證實為慢性骨髓性白血病。此病人接受陰莖海綿體抽吸及生理食鹽水灌流後,勃起現象仍持續。我們為他施行Winter氏分流術,術後病人陰莖異常勃起完全緩解。同時病人立刻接受計對慢性骨髓性白血病之化學治療以及3 次白球去除術。之後白血球數降至8,860/mm3而且病人陰莖異常勃起沒有復發。此病人最後接受來自其孿生吤弟之骨髓移植。陰莖異常勃起後6個月於門診追蹤期間病人報告早晨有部份勃起現象但期功能未進行評估。


Priapism is a painful, prolonged erection of the penis in the absence of sexual or mechanical stimulation. The treatment of priapism has changed significantly due to better understanding of the physiology of erecton and the mechanism of the disease. About one-fifth of all cases are associated with hematological disorders, either sickle cell anemia or myeloproliferative disorders such as acute or chronic myelocytic leukemia. Severaloperative procedures have been advised to provide better drainageto the corpora. We reported a patient with priapismleading to a diagnosis of chronic myelocytic leukemia. Initial treatment by cavernosal aspiration was not successful. The patient was then treated with surgical shunting procedures combined wit systemic chemotherapy at high dose and leukophoresis. A complete detumesence was obtained. (J Urol R.O.C., 9:41-44,1998)
