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篇名 Electrosurgical Vaporization of the Prostate - Histological Study in a Canine Model
卷期 8:4
並列篇名 電流汽化攝護腺-狗模型之組織學研究
作者 邱文祥張國明陳光國鍾孝仁張心湜Richard K. Babayan
頁次 184-190
關鍵字 電燒手術組織學攝護腺攝護腺切除術electrosurgeryhistologyprostateprostatectomyTSCI
出刊日期 199712


目的:利用雜種狗聶護腺模型來研究汽化手術後攝護腺及攝護腺旁組織之變化。方法:7隻雜種狍以一溝狀之汽化滾輪(Vapor-trode, Circon/ACMI),穩定地置於攝護腺尿道表面,利用300瓦之朧流汽化3秒鐘。另外7隻狗則以汽化滾輪將攝護腺左葉由膀胱頸至括約肌來回汽化數次。最後將攝護腺以全包埋切片方式進行光學及電子顯微鏡病理檢查。結果:7隻接受穩定汽化術之動物中,其攝護腺產生平均直徑4.4公童錠空洞(占側葉厚度之百分之四十七)。組織學檢查發現抏護腺邊緣區域及攝護腺旁邊神經束並無傷害。另外7隻接受滾動汽化手術之動物,則在6隻發生攝護腺包膜破裂的情形,5隻發生攝護腺周圍神經束傷害,2隻發生括約肌傷害。結論:電流通汽化滾輪產生之砲哧可以有效地汽化雜種狗之攝護腺組織。汽化時滾輪若維持不動則不致造成深部組織之傷害。然而如果用力向下挖掘時,很容易地造成攝護腺包膜破裂。進而造成鄰組織,包括尿道括約肌及攝護腺周圍神經之明顯傷害。


The histological changes in the prostatic and peri-prostatic tissues immediately after elec-trosurgical vaporization of the prostate were assessed in a canine model. The prostate was vaporized by steadily placing a grooved roller bar electrode (Vaportrode, Circon/ACMI) on the prostatic urethra at a power of 300 watts for 3 seconds in 7 dogs. In an-other 7 dogs, a whoe left lobe was vaporized by multiple passages of the Vaportrode from the bladder neck to the sphincter. Whole mount prostatic sections were performed for light and electron microscopic examination. In the 7 dogs treated with the stationary vaporization, cavitation with a mean diameter of 4.4 mm. (47% thickness of the lateral lobe) was created at the prostate. Histological examination including electron microscopy revealed no damage to the peripheral prostatic tissue and pe-riprostatic nerve bundles. Inanother 7 dogs treated with motion-vaporization, capsular perfora-tion occurred in 6. Damages to ganglia located in the periprostatic tissue was noted in 5, and sphincteric damage was found in 2 of them . High surface temperature generated by the roller electrode can effectively vaporize the prostatic tissues without sacrificing deep structures when the electrode was applied and held steadily. However, a digging motion with excessive pressure could perforate the prostatic cap-sule easily. Continued vaporization through this perforation resulted in significant damage to the surrounding tissues, including the sphincter and nerve ganglia in canine prostates. (J Urol R.O.C., 8:184-190,1997)
