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篇名 Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) in Male Infertility
卷期 8:4
並列篇名 卵細胞質內精蟲注射以治療男性不孕
作者 江漢聲劉志鴻
頁次 177-183
關鍵字 卵細胞質內精蟲注對副睪丸顯微吸取精蟲無精蟲症先天無輸精管男性不孕intracytoplasmic sperm injectionmicrosurgical epididymal sperm aspirationazoo-spermiacongenital absence of vas deferensmale infertilityTSCI
出刊日期 199712




We evaluated the efficacy of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with different origin of sperm obtained in the exploratory surger for the patients of male infertility. Microsugical pro-cedure was routinely used for epididymal sperm aspiration, and direct vassal sperm aspiration was designed for the patients with anejaculation to obtain viable vassal sperm. Testicular sperm was extracted from the biopsy of testicular tissue. Oocyte retrieved from patients’ wife was well prepared befor the surgery, and intracytoplasmic sperm injection in vitro fertilization proce-dure was performed immediately following the surgical procedure. Fertilization was achieved in all of the 12 cycles, mean fertilization rate per cycle was 48%. Five clinical pregnancies oc-curred, for a pregnancy rate of 72%. The effectiveness of ICSI had made the procedure becom-ing a novel treatment for all forms of male factor infertility. We believe this trend will soon be adopted by urologists in dealing with male infertility patients. (J Urol R.O.C., 8:177-183,1997)
