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篇名 Finasteride是否只適用於六十歲以上有攝護腺肥大症狀的病人
卷期 8:3
並列篇名 Is Finasteride Suitable Only for the Men with Prostatism Older than 60 Year-old
作者 盧致誠
頁次 126-130
關鍵字 攝護腺肥大藥物治療年齡5 α-reductaseprostatic hypertropyhTSCI
出刊日期 199709


我國中英健康保險局(健保局)於中華民國86年元月修訂並公佈全民健康保險藥品使用範-八十六年第一次修訂版,其中finsateride製劑只限六十歲以上使用。Finasteride是否只適用於六十歲以上有攝護腺肥大症狀的病人?本文利用廣泛性文獻回顧與分析,提出不同的看法和討論。結論是我國健保局規定finasteride只適用六十歲以上男性病人,缺乏醫學上和科學上的根據;應該再多予考慮或修改條文規定。(J Urol R.O.C., 8:126-130, 1997)


In the latest edition(the first revision, 1997 January) about medication regulation by the Bureau of National Health Insurance(NHI) said that finasteride can be prescribed only when the patients are older than 60 of age. Is finasteride suitable only for the men with prostatism older than 60 year-old? Extensive review and analysis of athe literature are performed to study this subject. Different viewpoints are proposed and discussed. The conclusion is that the regulation by the Bureau of NHI regarding finasteride lacks considerable medical and scientific supports. More investigations or revision the of the regulation should be considered.
