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篇名 Pregnancy Following Renal Transplantation
卷期 8:3
並列篇名 腎臟移植後之懷孕
作者 石宏文張兆祥歐宴泉高育琳郭振華程千里楊啟瑞
頁次 131-134
關鍵字 腎臟移植懷孕;renal transplantationpregnancyTSCI
出刊日期 199709


從1982年10月至1996年10月,共有211個病患在本院接受腎臟移植。其中女性有96個,而孕女性(20-40歲)且移植腎功能良好之病患共有47位。其鄉有7位患者在7次成功的懷孕之後產下8個胎兒。所有的病患在懷孕過程當中都接受劑量類固醇(prednisolone)之免疫治療,有5個病患合併接受環孢靈素(cyclosporine),有1個病患合併接受azathioprine,有1 個患者同時合併使用prednisolone, cyclosporine及azathioprine免疫藥劑。所有的胎兒都是自然生產。8名胎兒中共有5個早產兒,所有的胎兒都無先天畸型且體重與懷孕月份比都小於50%的生長曲線。有2名病患有早期破水現象,有3名產婦有初期子癇(pre-eclampsia)有1名病患懷中期產生移植腎水腫而需經皮腎造廔來保存腎功能。所有的病人在懷期間的腎功能都沒有太大變化。因此我們認為只要密切的追蹤,對於接受腎臟移植的患者懷及生產仍是相當安全的。


A total of 211 kidney transplantations were performed at our hospital from Oct. 1982 to Oct. 1996. Of these available for this study, 96 were female and 47 were child-bearing age. A total of 7 patients with 7 successful pregnancies resulted in the birth of 8 infants (1 pair of twins). All the patients were maintained on low dose oral steroids throughout the pregnancy, 5 were on cy-closporine A, 1 on azathioprine and 1 on triple treatment All births were completed with normal vaginal delivery. Premature birth occurred in 4 re-cipients (5 infants). All the babies were below the 50 percentile of the normogram of birth weight to gestational age. None had congenital abnormalities. Premature ruptures of membrane (PROM) occurred in 2 cases and pre-eclampsia occurred in 3 patients. One patient developed graft hydronephrosis in the 2 and trimester that needed PCN for renal function preservation . All of our patients had stable renal function during the course of pregnancy. We conclude that preg-nancy and delivery may not impose a significant threat to recipients and their graft kidneys if re-cipients are followed up regularly and carefully. (J Urol R.O.C., 8:131-134, 1997)
