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篇名 Cost-effectiveness of Intravenous Urography and Abdominal Ultrasonography in Pre-operative Evaluation of Symptomatic
卷期 8:3
並列篇名 評估對於攝護腺肥大患者以靜脈注射腎盂照影及腹部超音波做為手術前常規檢查之經濟效益
作者 孫紀征陳光國林登龍張延驊吳宏豪徐慧興邱文祥黃志賢張心湜
頁次 121-125
關鍵字 攝護腺肥大靜脈注射腎盂照影經濟效益超音波prostatic hyperplasiacost effectivenessurographyultrasonographyTSCI
出刊日期 199709


本研究即是評估對於攝護腺肥大患者以靜脈注射腎盂照影及腹部超音波做為手術前常規檢查之經濟效益。自1995 年l月至1995年6 月,排除過去有泌尿系統疾患、血尿、或腎絞痛病史者,共有266位病人(年齡分布由46 至89 歲,平均70.8 歲)接受經尿道攝護腺切除手術。常規實驗室檢查包括血液分析(血紅素,白血球,血小板,尿素氮及肌酸酐)和尿液分析。共收集靜脈注射腎盂照影161人次,腹部超音波124人次。其中19人接受兩種檢查。從靜脈注射腎盂照影和腹部超音波分別可發現37.9%及68.5%異常。其中從靜脈注射腎盂照影中發現的異常表現包括水腎(8 %)、輸尿管水腫(5.6 % )、尿路結石(13.7 % )、顯影缺陷(3.7 % )及疑腎腫瘤( 9.3 % )。腹部超音波中發現的異常表現包括水腎( 8.9 % )、尿路結石(24.2 % )、單純腎水囊(29 % )、及疑似腫瘤(3.2 % )。所有靜脈注射腎盂照影中發現的疑腎腫瘤後來經腹部超音波證實都為單純腎水囊。在靜脈注射腎盂照影及腹部超音波中可發現的顯著異常分別有29.3%和25.7%可在接受經尿道攝護腺切除手術時發現。大部分靜脈注射腎盂照影及腹部超音波的顯著異常,常常伴隨有尿液檢查異常。靜脈注射腎盂照影及腹部超音波檢查只對極少的病人有幫助。而這些檢查對於醫療費用卻顯著地增加。因此,從本研究結果顯示對於攝護腺肥大患者以靜脈注射腎盂照影及腹部超音波做為手術前常規檢查並不符合經濟效益。


The aim 01t his stu is 10 investigale the cost-。ctiveness 01 intrσ, venous urography or abdominal ultrasonography as a routine exαmination in pαtients with symptomatic benign prostatic hype lasia (BPH). From January, 1995 to June, 1995, 266 men, 46 to 89 years old (mean 0.8) with symptomatic BP H who underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) were included in this stu砂The áclusion criteria include previous known diseases of genitourinary tract, gross hematuria, and history ofrenal colic. Routine laboratory investigations consisted of blood analysis (hemoglobin, white cel!, platelet count and blood urea nitrogen, creatinin, and urinalysis. Intravenous urography (IV叩, and abdominal ultrasonography from 161 and 124 consecutive patients respectively with symptomatic BPH were col/ected. Nineteen men received both examinations due to equivocal findings by one of these studies. Abnormalities identified from IVU and abdominal ultrasonography were 37.9% and 68.5%, respectively. The abnormalities identifìed from IVU include hydronephrosis (8, hydroureter β6, urolithiasis ρ3.7, filι ing dφ, ct β7, and suspected renal mass (9.3%). Those from abdominal ultrasonography were hydronephrosis . 9%), urolithiasis ρ 4.2%), simple renal cyst ρ9, αnd tumor (3.2%). All of the suspected renal mass by IVU were renal cysts which were identified by abdominal u/trasonography. Those signifìcant αbnormal findings of IVU and abdominal ultrasonography that mbefound during TURP are about 29.3% and 25. 功\" respective/y. The majorify of significant abnormalities by both IVU and ultrasonography were also accompanied with abnormal urinalysis. Few patients would belìt from IVU or abdominal ultrasonography bφre TU" and they do cost a signifìcant expenditure in medical care. These data demonstrate that routine assessment with IVU or abdominal ultrasonography mtnot be cost-ejJective for preoperative 。luation ofpatients with symptomatic BPH. (J Urol R.O.c., 8:121-125, 1997)
