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篇名 Suby G Solution as a Local Irrigant to Treat Stone Encrustation and Urinary Tract Infection in Long-Term Suprapubic Cystostomy Patients
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 使用Suby G溶液做為長期恥骨上導尿管病患對結石結痂及尿路感染的評估
作者 蔡政諭李瀛輝黃榮慶李貫棠
頁次 69-72
關鍵字 Suby G溶液尿路感染電子顯微鏡恥骨上造廔cathetersuprapubic cystostomyencrustationurinary tract infectionSuby GTSCI
出刊日期 199706


本研究的目的在於評估:對於長期恥骨上造廔口的患者的局部膀胱灌注Suby G溶液是否可降低尿管上結痂及尿路感染。有12位病患進入本研究,平均年齡67.6歲,尿管放置的期間平均五個月。在局部灌注後,比較灌注前後尿液分析的變化,尿液細菌培養,導尿管前段培養和電子顯微鏡下尿管表面的變化。結果顯示:大多數的病患無可避免的有尿液感染,但經過灌注後尿管在直視及電子顯微鏡下結痂均有進步。然而對於尿液感染並無改善。


The present study was to assess the effect of local Suby G solution bladder irrigation on stone encrustation and urinary tract infection in long-term suprapubic cystostomy patients. Totally, 12 male patients were enrolled in the study. The mean age was 67.6 years (range 60-83). The mean duration of suprapubic cystostomy was 4.75 months (range 1-13). All the catheters used were the 24 Fr. Siliconised Foley catheter. Urine culture and urinalysis were checked weekly. Bacterial culture and scanning electron microscopic investigation of Foley tips were carried out monthly. Our results showed that nosocominal infection inevitably occurred in patients with long-term suprapbuic cystosotmy. Suby G solution is an effective agent to dissolve stone encrustation of Foley catheter. All catheter treated were clean grossly. Scanning electron microscopic investigation revealed scanty or no crystal deposit. However, combined use of oral antibiotics and Suby G solution local bladder irrigation seemed to be ineffective to eradicate urinary tract infection. Thus, more researches are warranted to understand if Suby G solution can be used more effectively in treating such patients.
