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篇名 Neodymium:YAG Laser Treatment of A Complete Long Urethral Hemangioma
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Nd:YAG雷射對完全長度的尿道血管瘤的治療
作者 余燦榮
頁次 108-111
關鍵字 尿道血管癌狹窄雷射urethrahemangiomastricturelaserTSCI
出刊日期 199706


尿道血管瘤是少見的良性尿道腫瘤,它可以是多發表淺的尿道病變,文獻上曾以potassium-thiophosphate雷射成功的照射過。本病例的尿道血管瘤由近端的前列腺尿道經過球膜部尿道延伸到遠端的陰莖尿道部位。我們以Nd: YAG雷射採分段式的內視鏡照射治療法來治療此完全長度的尿道血管瘤,其中包括位於前列腺及尿道膜部的血管瘤,治療過程中並無產生併發及後遺症。因此利用較高能量的雷射來分期治療一個範圍較大且長的尿道血管瘤是可行的,但要注意不要傷害到前列腺尿道及膜部尿道。


Urethral hemangiomas are rare benign tumors which may occur as multiple, superficial urethral lesions and have been treated successfully by potassium thiophosphate laser photo-irradiation. We reported a case of a sessile urethral hemangioma which occupied the surface of the urethra from the proximal prostatic urethra to the bulbomembranous and distal pendulous urethra. The entire urethral hemangioma, including the prostatic and the membranous portion, was successfully treated by a staged endoscopic neodymium (YAG laser irradiation) without treatment-related morbidity. Therefore, a higher laser energy can be used in staged procedures when treating an extensive, long urethral hemangioma. Furthermore, extra care should be taken to avoid injury during laser ablation at the prostatic and membranous urethra.

