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篇名 Melanoma in Urology: Experience and Review of Literature
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 泌尿道黑色素瘤病例報告及文獻回顧
作者 陳順郎歐宴泉楊啟瑞陳榮達郭振華高育琳程千里
頁次 112-115
關鍵字 黑色素瘤干擾素免疫療法melanomadacarbazineinterferonBacillus Calmette-GuerinTSCI
出刊日期 199706




Primary melanoma of the genitourinary tract is uncommon. Rare cases have been described in most organs of genitourinary tract. The majority of reports show that penis and urethra are frequently involved. Unfortunately, early diagnosis is not the rule and current therapeutic modalities most often fail. Secondary involvement of genitourinary tract with malignant melanoma is a common autopsy finding, but rarely evident clinically. We report three primary cases and one secondary case involving kidney and psoas muscle between 1983 and 1996. The average age of the patients was 66 years (range, 61-73 years). All the four victims were male and died due to multiple metastases. All the available managements including conservative treatment, radical surgery, chemotherapy (dacarbazine) and immunotherapy (interferon, Bacillus Calette-Guerin) were tried. But it confirms the consensus of available reports that, irrespective of what type of therapy being used, the prognosis usually is unsatisfactory. More developed immunotherapy and biological therapy as adjuvant treatment is expectant. We also briefly review the literature of current treatments.
